
Showing posts from January, 2017


One truth I want to make clear....NO sickness, disease, depression, NOTHING that steals, kills, or destroys is from God. The Word says, "the thief/Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you Life and Life more abundantly" John 10:10 We are in this world but not of this world, our home is in the Kingdom of God. While we are here we are on "Life Support"...The very Breath of God.... When, and I say when because it will continually happen...when the enemy/Satan comes against us....he is constantly seeking someone to devour! So, when you feel as if you can hardly breathe from the pain that is seeking to steal, kill and destroy. God gives us Mouth to mouth....Big M - little m....breathe His Word in - breathe His Word out Don't forget to breathe.... I just noticed, I can't breathe out until I breathe in.... Let's keep a check on our breathing, make sure we are breathing in the Breath of God....Big M to little m His Breat...