Discipline vs Emotions

I'll tell you up front..this is probably not going to be very spiritual.If you are going to read my blog, I guess you'll have to get used to reading a lot of words that just belong to me.

I'm sitting here looking out the window at the glitter snow falling on the frozen ground, very pretty even though it isn't very much. I am thinking of all these things I need to do and not wanting to do anything. Sometimes I think I could just sit for days and not do anything..would you call that lazy?

Ok..now I'm talking to me but if you want to listen you can. Get up and on purpose do something. Emotions are part of the flesh and discipline (self-control) would be a fruit of the Spirit...Gal. 5:22amp..."But the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit (the work which His presence within accomplishes) is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence)."

Self-control...the last one but without it the others are probably not going to be there either. You're not going to have joy or peace when you're concentrating on all you think you need to be doing. You begin to lose patience with yourself and everyone around you because everything starts looking really big. And of course when your patience is gone the kindness, goodness and gentleness suffers. Faithfulness..there's another one..all of a sudden you are so caught up in what's wrong with me that you find you aren't reading God's Word or praying like you should.
Love..God is Love...so you're not walking in Love because you're too caught up in self.

EMOTIONS...can definitely interfere with life. God said in Deut. 30:15&19.."I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life."

DISCIPLINE...leads to life, we need to, like I said on purpose discipline our minds and our days as to what we are going to do that day from beginning to end.
God is not a disorganized God, His plan was from the foundation of the world.

Thank you God because my plans change from day to day. I know I can count on You and Your Word to be consistent even in my inconsistency.

Whoever reads this, don't worry about me too much because I am God's child and He loves me very much. He is purifying each and everyone of us drawing all the fleshy stuff to the top so it can be scraped off. Not a lot of fun seeing it but what a joy to know that as He scraps it off He replaces it with more of Him.

Jesus Loves Me This I Know!!!! :)



  1. Connie, as I read your comments, I recognized how much we all struggle with our self. We get frustrated with our lack of ability to be what we think God wants us to be. We can spend a lot of time trying to make something good that can never be. I am convinced that the only way we can find that satisfaction is to let God be God. The devil gets a big kick out us trying harder and harder to be better. Even he knows it won't ever happen. So, by encouraging us to keep it up, he thinks he is robbing us of what God is wanting to give us. As usual, he is wrong. You said it perfectly, God is bringing us closer to Him when He allows us to do these things. He is bringing it to the top so He can scrape it off. God doesn't need our help to be God in our life. I think that's what He meant when He said,"take up your cross and follow Him". Jesus is our cross. God desires us to trust Him with our life. He knows how to make it what it's supposed to be.

    Matthew 11:28- "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".

    Rest knowing,

  2. I think sometimes we get caught up in thinking we have to be busy about doing somthing or we are not being productive in life.I think that the devil will sometimes try to make people think these things. There is certianly nothing wrong with being busy but sometimes we are missing the more important things, in fact sometimes I think it can even be a distraction the enemy is a master at this he will even take our own goodness and use it against us so we will miss out on the things God is wanting to do, for instance look at Luke 10: 38-42 38 Now it happen as they went that He(Jesus) entered a certian village; and a certian woman named Martha welcomed Him into Her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary' who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approach Him (Jesus) and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." 41 And Jesus answered and said to her,"Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." You see I think that Mary was seeking the Lord and Martha was more interested in serving Him which we are to do both but I think that Jesus puts more importance on seeking Him at least that's what I get from these scriptures. The more we seek Him the more we will be lead into His perfect will and service for the kingdom. I feel differently about emotions, personally I think that they are a vital part of life they really are nothing more than feelings such as anger, happiness, sorrow, excitement, passion I think all these thing are emotions Jesus Himself had all these feelings or emotions but they did not control Him I think that is where the problem comes in, sometimes people try to make us feel like the things we feel are nothing but emotions like if the Spirit comes on us and we feel like dancing or doing a Jericho march, or evening just getting happy or begin to cry that this is just emotionalism all I can say about that is they don,t know what they are missing, if they were ever to let go and experience being totally consumed by the Spirit of the living God they would understand.Just imagine the most exciting or joyous time you can lets just say the music city miracle by the titans football team that would be boring compared to just moments with God that last forever if thats emotionalism I,m all for it.Don,t let thoughts from anyone or anything take away the most special moments you will experience this side of heaven.
    I love you,

  3. Boy, you are going to keep on until God calls you to preach. You nailed it on emotions. They are a vital part of who we are. God created our emotions and gave them to us as a gift. The problem is, in what you said, we don't want our emotions to control us. We want to allow God to control our emotions. The Holy Spirit works through our spirit and we can feel His presence, that is an emotion. Is that bad, NO! Emotions are nothing more than emotions.

    Then you nailed Mary in your comments. God is truly interested in us knowing Him more than us working for Him. Look at the story of the Prodigal Son. There are many lessons to recieve from that parable. Most of us look primarily at the son that was lost but then was found. But there is another lesson that ties right in to what you have brought out. Look at the prodigal son's brother. He was always responsible. He never wasted away his inheritance. He had worked hard at showing the father what a great son he was. In the end, he was destroyed inside. Because of his misunderstanding of why the father loved them. It wasn't because of what they could do for him. It was because they were his sons. The other son made it all about what he had done, while the prodigal son realized how wonderful his father was. That is what God wants us to see.

    Teach on brother,

  4. So, what we really need is disciplined emotions.
    Undisciplined emotions can turn into emotionalism.

    Do you think there is a difference between emotionalism and emotions?

    Walking in the Spirit brings emotions...

    Walking in the flesh brings emotionalism...

    What do you think?

    growing and loving it..(emotion)..your right feels good.

    yall are great!!

  5. Look at the Holy Spirit just keep on revealing. Connie, your definition of emotions is perfect. There is a difference between emotions and emotionalism. Well put!! These blogs are getting more and more exciting. Thank you Lord.

    Love you,


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