There is a word that has been in my thoughts for several days. The word is, [positive]. This morning, I had a couple more added, [confident and courageous].

I looked up positive in the dictionary, it has 11 meanings as an adj. and 2 meanings as a noun. I am not going to write all these meanings. The #1 meaning is: that will not be changed and is not to be questioned;definite.#2. perfectly sure; certain.

I was watching Beth Moore on Wed.'s with Beth. This is where I got the words confident and courageous. They fit with the word positive. She also told about a statement one of her daughters made while sitting in a doctors office. She said, "He knows it is scary to be us". I thought, that's sooo good, He does know. He not only knows He cares. He has given us His Spirit to comfort us while leading us in Truth. We can only be positive about the Truth we know. If we aren't in the Word..the Word will never be in us.

God knew from the beginning that we would have to be saved and Jesus was to be our Saviour. This is Easter week..this is the week that Jesus became our sacrificial Lamb. Passover also began Tuesday, this is celebrating the Israelites being protected during God's wrath toward Egypt. They were told to place the blood of a lamb over the doorpost of their homes and to stay inside and they would not be destroyed. They didn't hesitate to do as they were told because they were positive God would protect them.

Ex. 12:13 - "And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt." They were untouched because of the blood of a lamb...we are covered in the Blood of "THE LAMB of GOD" (Jesus).

Easter is positive proof of God's love for us. Jesus came as a baby, lived in a human body, grew into a man. He was fully God but He felt everything we have or will ever feel because He was also human, but without sin. He knows we live scary lives. He was crucified, buried and resurrected so we could live being positive He is our Lord and Saviour. He redeemed us from this world and brought us into the Kingdom of God. He overcame everything we will ever encounter in this world. Are we positive of this truth?

He doesn't want us to be scared, He wants us to be positive that "He will not fail us, nor forsake us." Joshua 1:5
He wants us to be positive that "He will be with us always, even unto the end of the world. Amen" Matt. 28:20

We are saved by His blood and we have victory because He is victorious. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us and His Holy Spirit lives in us leading us into all Truth.

Are we positive of that?

I know, I believe it is true but sometimes what I hear, see or feel overpowers me ..I become fearful; therefore I'm not confident and courageous, even though I'm sure I'm positive God's Word is Truth. If someone were to ask me: do you believe the Word of God is true, I would say absolutely. Why then do I struggle with being positive during trials?

My brother wrote a blog on David and Goliath. David was confident..David was courageous because David was positive that God was with him. Because He was positive, he killed Goliath with a sling shot and a smooth stone. No fear, just confidence and courage.

Then we have the story in Numbers 13 & 14: God was giving Israel the land of Canaan...men were sent in to search the land. All but Joshua and Caleb were filled with fear because of the giants in the land. Joshua and Caleb were confident and courageous because they were positive that God was with them. The others were more positive of what they had seen with their human eyes.

As my brother said, Joshua and Caleb were positive God would be with them before they ever went into Canaan, which produced confidence and courage. This is how to walk in confidence and courage..being positive before our trial, knowing God's Word is Truth and He is with us.

We also have the story of Joseph...he went through some major trials but came through them all because he was positive God was with him. He never questioned where God was, he was positive He was with him, which made him confident and courageous.

I read the Word..I say I'm positive but in my humanness I fail, I lose confidence..I lose courage but yet there is a place in me where I'm still positive the Truth is the Truth. This is where the Holy Spirit lives, He is positive having all confidence, full of courage...fully able to complete the good work He has begun in me. (Phil.1:6)

We all have giants in our lives. We are all grasshoppers in our own sight at one time or another. Some of us have financial giants..some physical giants..some emotional giants. Whatever our giant is, God is with us and by the power of His Spirit we too can be positive of victory over it.

John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

The Word is where our confidence is found..the Word is where our courage grows..the Word is the Truth we are positive of by the power of the Spirit of God.

Truth to be positive of before we face death..John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Truth to be positive of before a financial crisis..Phil. 4:19 - "But my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Truth to be positive of before a physical or emotional crisis..Matt. 8:17 amp. - "And thus He fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, He Himself took [in order to carry away] our weaknesses and infirmities and bore away our diseases."

Isaiah 53:4-5 amp. - "Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God." 5 - "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole."

BE POSITIVE..BE CONFIDENT..BE COURAGEOUS...not because of who we are but because of who HE IS.

John 14:6 amp. - "Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me."

Romans 8:38-39 "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39-"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The Word of God will not change, is not to be questioned..It is definite, It is perfectly sure and certain. We can be positive of that. (refer to definition of positive above)

Thank you Father..Thank you Jesus..Thank you Holy Spirit for Your loving patience



  1. Well, there it is. That word had been sticking around with you for some time now. This subject could be spent a life time on researching. After you and I talked the other night the Holy Spirit started churning in my heart. I couldn't see where He was going with me on the word, but after reading your blog He made it clear to me. This is why we should always write what we feel the Holy Spirit is leading us to say. It matters.

    First of all, I think we have to understand that this word can participate in either side of who we are. In our spirit or our flesh. As we see that, we can distinguish the complete difference of the word. When we use positive in our self, the flesh, the only power it has is in its leader. In this case, that would be me. Because of the inadequacies of who I am, it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. Why? Because the leader of it doesn't have the ability for it to work. When the Holy Spirit institutes positive in our life, it works perfectly. Why? Because of the leader. He is perfect and can only perform it perfectly. He is not equipped to fail or doubt. Now, when we are under His leadership trusting Him, the outcome can only come out one way, PERFECT!!!

    As you commented on David, Joshua, and Caleb, these guys weren't positive because of any part of their ability, they were just confident in God's ability. The Holy Spirit abides in our spirit not our flesh. My flesh will never count on God for anything, only itself. Verses, my spirit will adhere to the will of the Holy Spirit and surrender to its authority. When this takes place my inadequacies go away because they no longer have control. Does that mean it is possible to never fall prey to my SELF, absolutely! But here is where we get mixed up. Our flesh will continue to hold on to the ability of seeing that happen and therefore we feel as if we keep going in circles chasing our tail. For awhile I get it right and then lightening strikes again and I am right back in the wrong boat. Until we can come to grips that we don't have the ability to exercise this perfect power and work, we will continue to run around in confusion and chaos. Thanks be unto God, He doesn't get confused or side tracked. He knows exactly what He is doing with us at all times. He knows, by allowing us to reveal our flesh and its weaknesses, He can get us to lose all faith in it and therefore leading us to surrender to His authority, that ultimately gives us this victory that Jesus has provided for us. You see, He is PERFECT and POSITIVE!! Our weaknesses cannot compete with our Father. They go away. God wants to teach us that the work of the Holy Spirit is done by the Spirit and not us. He needs nothing of me other than to know He is who He says. Now go back to Phil. 1:6!

    Thank you Lord for continuing to show and teach us who we aren't and who you are. I am positive that you will complete in me what you have have started, along with all those who are yours.


  2. The Holy Spirit tells me the Word of God is Truth. JUST BELIEVE

    My flesh, (what I see and hear), tell me, yeah, It's Truth but must not be for everyone, or maybe not today or it's just not His will to do this for this person or God will do it when He gets ready. This is very contradicting of The Word. Leads to unbelief and confusion.

    I don't know why we say, if it be His Will. He gave us His Will..It's His Word. God doesn't change, He's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If it was His will yesterday, then it's His will today.

    I actually spend more time trying not to believe than I do just believing. Believing..no you can't believe that..believing..no that must be wrong..believing not believing. This is wearing me out. You would think it would be easier not to believe but I can't seem to get away from believing, no matter how hard I try, I keep coming back to but The Word said.....

    We read The Word..we believe The Word..The Word is The Truth..The Word is God's Will.

    Just because we don't see the Truth in our flesh doesn't make it any less True.

    I am positive in my spirit..I am not positive in my flesh. My flesh is a liar and will deceive me every chance it gets.

    I choose to rest in the Truth of The Word that has been revealed to me.

    I am positive, the Word of God is The Truth. God cannot lie.

    I don't know the who, what, when, or where's of life but I know the One Who does and I'm positive, I believe His Word is The Truth and His Will (His Word) will be done.


  3. I agree with you on His word absolutely being the truth. It will never change. It will always do what it says.

    I think for most of us, the problem lies in our trying to share this truth and implementing it in and by our flesh. Because of the condition of the flesh, it wants us to believe that God wants it to institute the truth for us. By doing so, we have made the flesh worth something. Again, this is the deceivement of Satan continuing to try and keep us in bondage. He knows that as long as he can get us to include our self (flesh),in this process, we will continue to fall short. This in turn, will continue to cause our frustration and confusion. This also causes the thought of contradiction. We know the word does not contradict itself. The problem is, that we are trying to add or include a source (flesh), that cannot fulfill the truth.

    The contradiction is that we want to think we play a part in instituting or activating this power. Simply said, know that we can depend entirely on our Father for what He has said. Instead of us trying to change where or what we are going through, trust that God knows what He is doing. He is in CONTROL. What causes us to become dissatisfied, or causes us to want things to change in our life, is our flesh. It doesn't like what's going on with it. Instead of standing on the fact that God is in control and trusting Him, we want to think that God is standing still while we blame Satan for attacking us and causing us all this pain and agony. We want to think that God is just waiting for me (my flesh), to reach out to Him and activate His power. You see, our flesh has placed it back into its hands for the success of the power of the truth. CONTRADICTION!!!

    We should praise our Father for where we are at all times, knowing He has us exactly where He wants us. And that He is busy doing something in our life for the fulfillment of what He has made us for. He is in control. An indication of knowing we are where God wants us, can be seen in us thanking and praising Him at all times no matter what's going on in our life. He is in control.

    Thank you Lord,

  4. I think we are in the flesh when we "justify" everything that is going on by saying, "God knows what He is doing".."God is in control".

    Here's a thought:

    Jesus sitting at the right hand of Father God saying, when are they going to just believe MY WORD!!!!!!

    I AM SICK OF THIS WORD FLESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not screaming at you...I'm screaming at all this deceptive flesh crap. I don't care if we think the flesh can or can't do anything...either way it keeps us focused on the flesh.



    I choose to believe this is righteous indignation not flesh throwing a fit. :):)


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